Sharing inspiring content. The sole purpose of this page is to share books that have inspired me and helped me to grow in one way or another.
Céline Chambat
Here is a selection of books that have moved me, moved me towards a brighter path and/or awakened part of my consciousness. Some are fairly light-hearted, others more ‘technical’ or intellectual. They have all given me something precious. Happy reading!
Updated on 7th June 2023
- The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book) I Don Miguel Ruiz
- Ho’oponopono : The Hawaiian Forgiveness Ritual as the Key to Your Life’s Fulfillment I Ulrich E. Duprée
- Reconciliation: Healing the Inner Child I Thich Nhat Hanh
- Peace Is Every Breath: A Practice for Our Busy Lives I Thich Nhat Hanh
- Kilometer Zero: The Path to Happiness – Maud Ankaoua
- The Book of Wonders by Julien Sandrel – Julien Sandrel
- Yoga I Emmanuel Carrère (Author), John Lambert (Translator)
- Your Second Life Begins When You Realize You Only Have One I Raphaëlle Giordano
- The Creative Cure: How Finding and Freeing Your Inner Artist Can Heal Your Life I Julia Cameron
- In Search of Wisdom: A Monk, a Philosopher, and a Psychiatrist on What Matters Most I Christophe André, Alexandre Jollien & Matthieu Ricard
- The Power of Restraint I Pierre Rabhi
Bibliography of the yoga teacher
The following books are my references as a teacher (and eternal student 😉 ). They are more ‘technical’. To study and understand them properly, I recommend getting a teacher’s insight and setting up mentoring.
- Liberating isolation The Yoga-Sūtra of Patañjali (Media Garuda)I by Frans Moors. Translated by Valérie Faneco.
- The heart of Yoga: Developing a personal practice I T.K.V Desikachar
- Yoga & Ayurveda: Self-Healing and Self-Realization I David Frawley
- Ayurveda: Nature’s Medecine I David Frawley & Dr. Subhash Ranade
Bibliography in French
Below link will take you to the list of books in French. Some are translations, but there are also books that exist only in French (or only in English).