Sharing inspiring content. The sole purpose of this page is to share podcasts & video contents that have inspired me and helped me to grow in one way or another.

Céline Chambat

In the Vedic tradition, the teachings are transmitted orally. It’s the active listening posture that allows you to fully integrate the concepts – not just from an intellectual point of view, but with your whole being, ‘with all your cells’. It’s quite possible that this is why I’m sensitive to the ‘podcast’ format in the modern world.


How to find a good yoga teacher?  In this episode Mark and Rosalind talk about this most basic of questions, along with the even more basic questions of why we would even want a yoga teacher, and what that is anyway.

Conversation with TKV Desikachar (1995)

What is Yoga?

In the cluster the modern yoga industry, I found interesting to go back to the basics of Yoga with TKV Desikachar, son and student of T. Krishnamacharya, the man who taught yoga to the world.

The Man Who Taught Yoga To The World | Documentary | Tirumalai Krishnamacharya | The Indian Mystics