Learn to maintain your balance to be and stay healthy

Next session coming soon!

Contact us to pre-book.

* En Français ici*

Inflammation of any kind, high blood pressure or angriness / hot temper? You are probably in “Pitta” (excess of fire) imbalance. Insomnia, mental restlessness, burnout, difficulty concentrating or poor digestion often indicate a “vata” (excess air) imbalance. Lack of energy, vigor, slow digestion, weight gain. We are in a pattern of “Kapha” (excess earth) imbalance.

Ayurveda (āyuh: life, veda: knowledge) originated in India several thousand years ago. In the Vedic tradition, Ayurveda is taking care of the health of the body while yoga takes care of the mind health. The two are of course closely linked and offer a holistic approach human beings. From the point of view of Yoga and Ayurveda, maintaining the balance of one’s energies and elements is the keystone of good health. The other way round, an imbalance (too much or not enough energy, too much or not enough fire, air, water etc. in us) inevitably leads to a “manifestation” also called “disease”.

At the same time philosophy, spirituality, medicine, art of living, Ayurveda and Yoga offer us a natural path to health, beauty and well-being. These two disciplines answer the question we all ask ourselves: How can I live in harmony with my body and my life AND in the environment surrounding me?

Workshop objective

Understand your Ayurvedic constitution (your doshas), your most frequent imbalances, what triggers them. Acquire a few keys to better balance yourself on a daily basis, with a view to personal development.

Workshop description

  • Introduction to the basic principles of Ayurveda
  • Understand your own constitution: the elements within you (earth, water, fire, air, ether) and your doshas (Pita, vatta, kapha). What are your dominant elements?
  • Once the basics have been laid, we will go into more detail to meet Mr & Ms Vatta, Mr & Ms Pita, Mr & Ms Kapha: the dominant character traits, strengths and weaknesses and the imbalances and associated diseases. This allows you to better understand yourself but also to better understand the functioning of the people around you.
  • Specific practices of yoga, postures and breathing techniques, will illustrate the theoretical teachings and give you some keys to learn to maintain your own balance. 

Practical information

Teacher: Céline
Price: 100€ (ONLINE & IN-STUDIO)
Location: Online – Zoom & In-Studio (Lisbon)

  • This workshop consists of 3 group sessions of 2 hours each + 1 individual follow-up. Session in progress (next session in March 2021):
    • 1st part (2h): TBC
    • 2nd part (2h): TBC
    • 3rd part (2h): TBC
    • 4th part (30 min): Individual online follow-up session (answer your questions, personalisation) by appointment.
  • Languages: French / English
  • Maximum: 8 Participants 
  • Upon receipt of your registration, you will receive a payment request.
    Once payment has been made, I will send you a questionnaire that will allow me to make a first diagnosis and understand your motivations, as well as a zoom link for those who will be online.

To register or ask for information for Yoga & Ayurveda Workshop:

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